Brave Conversations

Learn a powerful structure that gives you the skill and discipline to hold healthy and constructive disagreement (person to person).


What’s the session about?

The BRAVE Conversation structure will help you approach and discuss difficult topics or decisions with friends, team members or colleagues. 

What will we cover:

  1. How to set up the conversation (yes, it starts here!)
  2. What you need to think about and how you need to prepare yourself (yes, preparation is key)
  3. How to speak up, find your words, raise your voice…and listen (for both people involved)
  4. When you know how to move from discussion to disagreement and HOW to hold the disagreement well
  5. When is it a decision, when are we in ‘decision-loops’ and how do we handle blockers?

You will learn about our BRAVE principles:  ‘Debate the idea, not the person’ AND ‘How to take it seriously, not personally’

You will learn how to disagree well even when you feel uncomfortable (spoiler; we always feel uncomfortable!)

You will learn why our key mantra of ‘out loud, on purpose’ really helps.

Useful Information

What you need to know before you attend

  • Most importantly, we always keep our groups smaller in size (maximum 12).  You will not be joining our sessions with 100s of people
  • We do that on purpose as we know it's important to give everyone a chance to ask questions and get individual attention from our trainers
  • It is an interactive, virtual 3-hour session with an opportunity for you to apply the tools to your real-life situations
  • That means we will be asking you to contribute so make sure you’re able to do that in a way that’s best for you
  • Please be aware we’ll ask you to keep your camera on as much as possible.  It really helps the conversations, the group and the trainers

What you need to do before you attend

  • Bring a topic & person where you need to have a difficult two-way conversation. You will work through this situation on the course
  • If you can’t think of a current situation then take a previous difficult conversation that didn’t go well. On the course you can work through how you might have done it differently

Here are some examples of the types of scenarios;

  • It is a difficult two-way conversation eg: you need to hear the other person’s perspective
  • Topic examples may be:
    - a difficult decision you must make together where both points of view need discussion
    - a misunderstanding you both need to discuss in more detail
    - an opinion or point of view that you cannot understand but the relationship is too important to ignore

REMEMBER:  this course is not an HR policy or official mediation process. 




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