Presentation Skills

Whether you are presenting to 5 or 50 people, learn how to find your voice, create engagement, handle your nerves, manage audience questions.


What’s the session about?

This ‘Inspire the Room’ course will give you structure & techniques to handle nerves, speak clearly and effectively plus handle your audience and their questions.

What will we cover:

  1. Structure:  How to open with impact, how to stay on track and how to finish with purpose
  2. Engage:  How to keep your audience interested even when it’s a tough subject
  3. You: How to build your presence, deal with nerves and not get sidetracked or lose your way
  4. Manage:  How to handle the audience & their questions, especially the challenging ones

Practice: Get some feedback & tips on how to improve your personal presentation style

Useful Information

What you need to know before you attend

  • Most importantly, we always keep our groups smaller in size (maximum 12).  You will not be joining our sessions with 100s of people
  • We do that on purpose as we know it's important to give everyone a chance to ask questions and get individual attention from our trainers 
  • It’s an interactive, virtual 3-hour session with an opportunity for you to apply the tools to your real-life presentation or speech
  • That means we will be asking you to practice and contribute so make sure you’re able to do that in a way that’s best for you
  • Please be aware we’ll ask you to keep your camera on as much as possible.  It really helps the conversations, the group and the trainers

What you need to do before you attend

  • Before you attend you must prepare a 2-3 minute opening of a presentation.  It can be one you have delivered before OR a new one that you have to deliver in the future.
  • Use the attached template to help you prepare this 2-3 minute opening – it uses a great ABCD technique
  • No need to get it perfect as the session will help you practice and refine it  

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